Sorry to re-open this but there are things I would like to amend on this:
Current Formula:
=IF(AND(OR(K$2>$F4,K$2>$E4),OR(K$2<=EOMONTH($F4,$J4*3),K$2<=EOMONTH($E4,$J4*3))),"Void", $G4/4 )
Current Logic:
(If the Qtr date is past the lease expiry date or lease break date) _or_ (the QTR date is <= the lease expiry date, void for #void periods specified in column J)
(the QTR date is <= the lease break date, void for #void periods specified in column J)
If FALSE = Rent Amount (Column G/4)
Things I would like to add to formula/Expected Results:
• Only include Void periods if break options are exercised, i.e. only include void periods if column D = “Yes”, if not then no void periods should apply.
If column D1 = “Yes”, or if lease expires, we need to be able to define the following:
• Post Void period Expiry Date – rent to be reinstated with a new expiry date specified in column i.
• Post void Rent value is to be reinstated at a level specified in column H.
• Rent is currently pulling into the model before the start date specified in column C – this should only commence on or after the date specified in column C.
• At the moment the model is voiding everything before the expiry date as well as correctly voiding the specified amount of periods per the j column, this needs to be fixed so that the void period only runs for the specified number of void periods.
Note: A Number of cells are being populated by data entered in the “Data Input & Output” sheet.
I understand there is probably quite a bit of work in this and can purchase points and offer them for completion if you guys think that would be more appropriate?