I need help on vlookup / index etc.
I have two tables :
First is a JIRA output : - I only post pertinent data here :
Issue key Assignee
REG-497 dmuthaiya
REG-495 gpai
REG-494 vkumbheshwar
REG-493 hgupta
REG-492 vkumbheshwar
REG-491 krajasekar
REG-490 krajasekar
REG-489 gpai
REG-488 hgupta
Other is a task assignment table ..
This is by Asignee - task number and date when to be executed.
REG-374 REG-479 REG-74 REG-408 4-Jun
REG-375 REG-479 REG-74 4-Jun
BUILD REG-458 REG-475 REG-477 REG-410 6-Jun
REG-374 REG-402 REG-475 REG-477 REG-411 6-Jun
REG-374 REG-402 REG-476 REG-72 REG-409 7-Jun
REG-376 REG-402 REG-476 REG-72 REG-409 7-Jun
REG-376 REG-402 REG-476 REG-72 REG-409 10-Jun
REG-376 REG-402 REG-476 REG-72 REG-409 10-Jun
REG-376 REG-402 REG-476 Reg-484 REG-483 11-Jun
Reg-378 REG-402 REG-476 Reg-484 REG-483 11-Jun
REG-377 REG-402 REG-476 Reg-485 REG-79 12-Jun
REG-379 REG-402 REG-476 REG-486 REG-364 12-Jun
What I need is in the first table - I want to put against each issue when it is expected to be complete (that's 'Date' column in second table).
Now I can use reverse lookup formula IF i know which column to look into (that's asignee in table - 1)
something like :
=LOOKUP(1, 1/(D2:D38=N3), J2:J38)
But what I am struggling is based on 'Asignee' how do I select different column (in place of D) for this formula.
Another way I can manage this is simple vlookup - provided I am able to define a different 'startpoint' for first column of lookup table in vlookup - same issue there too.