I have a sheet "data!" set going back 5 years on rows 2-5000.
Names in column Q and a time in column AK.

I have second sheet "2018 Analysis" with names in cells K7:K10 that I need to reference against the first sheet.

I have dates Jan 1st 2018 in cell A1 and Dec 31st 2018 in cell B2.

I need cells R7:R10 to show me the average time on a column AK in "data!" in the between the dates in cells A1 & A2 on "2018 Analysis" for the name in cells K7:K10.

I have managed to get this to work when calculating a SUM, but I need an AVERAGEIF.

The formula in different cells is:

This works and calculates the sum between the cell ranges, references the name (K7) and also only on dates required between cells A2 & A3

Hope someone can help!