If I understand perhaps this will help.
On the Current Approvals sheet distinct list of names (column K) is populated using:
Data validation for the Guest Name column on the Guest Stays sheet uses the source: =OFFSET('Current Approvals'!$K$1,1,0,SUMPRODUCT(--('Current Approvals'!$K$2:$K$16<>"")),1)
A new named range, Expiry_Date_2 has the Refers To as:
=OFFSET(Table2[[#Headers],[Expiry Date]],MATCH('Guest Stays'!A3,Table2[Participant Name],0),0,COUNTIF(Table2[Participant Name],'Guest Stays'!A3))
The data validation for the Approval Expiry column uses the source: =Expiry_Date_2
Let us know if you have any questions.