I started to company as intern engineer.I created to table with SUMIFS and VLOOKUP which is use 15 different source excel file.My problem is SUMIFS function is not working when source files close I got a VALUE! error when I open 15 source files its okay so how can I convert that function to SUMPRODUCT or how can I add source file in to that with macro ?

Example function of master file;

=SUMIFS('\\metusrv\GUNCEL DOKUMANLAR\TimeSheet\[TimeSheet_2019_CANERGULER.xlsx]TOTAL'!$E:$E;'\\metusrv\GUNCEL DOKUMANLAR\TimeSheet\[TimeSheet_2019_CANERGULER.xlsx]TOTAL'!$A:$A;'\\metusrv\GUNCEL DOKUMANLAR\TimeSheet\[TimeSheet_2019_CANERGULER.xlsx]TOTAL'!$A$6;'\\metusrv\GUNCEL DOKUMANLAR\TimeSheet\[TimeSheet_2019_CANERGULER.xlsx]TOTAL'!$C:$C;'\\metusrv\GUNCEL DOKUMANLAR\TimeSheet\[TimeSheet_2019_CANERGULER.xlsx]TOTAL'!$C$247)