Hi All
I am a new member of the Forum and really hope someone can help me out.
My company currently use a rota that is created and maintained in excel. Horizontally across the top we have the names of each member of staff (roughly 80) and vertically we have the day of the week and the date (in separate columns). Along the day and date line will be the shift that person is working each day, for example 6-2 or 2-10 etc. We have numerous shift times throughout the day.
What we currently do as a manual process is type up who is working what shift on each day and we use this as a daily resource plan to issue breaks etc. What I am looking to do is create a new tab where I can type the date in and it will pull across the names of the people who are working 6-2 / 2-10 that day and so on.
Can this be done with formula?