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getting value from other sheet with name defined by cell-content?

  1. #1
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    Question getting value from other sheet with name defined by cell-content?

    Hello all,

    I am looking for a way to get data from the last row in a certain column on another sheet, where the sheet is defined based on a cell-content.
    I was looking at LOOKUP and INDIRECT which principally do what I need, however when I need to "point" to a different sheet then things fall apart.

    - Workbook with three sheets:
    a) Sheet1: "Overview"
    b) Sheet2: "1_Moadll"
    In Column B I have values, last one e.g. in row 5, e.g. content = "XYZ"
    c) Sheet3: "5_John"
    In Column B I have values, last one e.g. in row 8, e.g. content = "ABC"

    - Sheet "Overview" has a the number and the name listed, e.g.
    A1: 1, B1: Moadll
    A2: 5, B2: John

    - In Sheet "Overview" I need to get the values
    C1: get content "XYZ" from Sheet "1_Moadll" and cell B5
    C2: get content "ABC" from Sheet "5_John" and cell B8

    What I tried up to now:
    a) Overview, Cells C1: =INDIRECT(A1 & "_" & B1 & "!B5")
    => gets "XYZ", however this is static

    b) Sheet "1_Moadll", cell A1: =LOOKUP(2,1/(B:B<>""),ROW(B:B))
    => gets the row-number of the last entry, here e.g. 5

    c) Combine a) and b)
    - LOOKUP on each sheet in a certain cell
    - INDIRECT to that cell on "OVERVIEW"
    - LOOKUP using the content of that result
    C1: =INDIRECT(A1 & "_" & B1 & "!A1") ' A1 contains the value of the last row
    D1: = INDIRECT(A1 & "_" & B1 &"!B"&C1) ' pulls the right value

    d) incorporate LOOKUP into INDIRECT:
    "Overview", Cell E1: =INDIRECT(A1 & "_" & B1 &"!B"&LOOKUP(2,1/('1_Moadll'!B:B<>""),ROW(' & A1 & "_" & B1 & '!B:B)))
    => this also gets the right value, however requires the name of the sheet "1_Moadll" as a string in the lookup-call. Building that up inside the function does not point to the sheet anymore:
    =INDIRECT(A1 & "_" & B1 &"!B"&LOOKUP(2,1/("'" & A1 & "_" & B1 &"'!" &B:B<>""),ROW(' & A1 & "_" & B1 & '!B:B)))

    Any ideas on how to get that with appropriate functions.

    I am capable of VBA and using that getting the values would be a piece of cake. However here I am constrained to work without VBA.

    Thanks a lot already in advance!


  2. #2
    Forum Expert Pepe Le Mokko's Avatar
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    Re: getting value from other sheet with name defined by cell-content?

    Attach a sample workbook (not a picture or pasted copy). Make sure there is just enough data to demonstrate your need. Include a BEFORE sheet and an AFTER sheet in the workbook if needed to show the process you're trying to complete or automate. Make sure your desired results are shown, mock them up manually if necessary.

    Remember to desensitize the data.

    Click on GO ADVANCED and then scroll down to Manage Attachments to open the upload window.

  3. #3
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    Re: getting value from other sheet with name defined by cell-content?


    just uploaded at test-workbook with the various combinations that I tried.
    Column J is the most dynamic version, however this one unfortunately does not yield a "proper" result.


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  4. #4
    Forum Guru
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    Re: getting value from other sheet with name defined by cell-content?

    See if this would work for your purposes.
    1) Convert the ranges to tables. I prefixed the sheet names with tbl_ to produce the table names (i.e. tbl_1_Moadll)
    *This eliminates the need to count rows of cells in the column. Test by expanding tbl_1_Moadll (select cell C5, press tab key) and putting a value in B6.
    2) The last value in the Data1 column is retrieved using:
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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