Hello all,
I am looking for a way to get data from the last row in a certain column on another sheet, where the sheet is defined based on a cell-content.
I was looking at LOOKUP and INDIRECT which principally do what I need, however when I need to "point" to a different sheet then things fall apart.
- Workbook with three sheets:
a) Sheet1: "Overview"
b) Sheet2: "1_Moadll"
In Column B I have values, last one e.g. in row 5, e.g. content = "XYZ"
c) Sheet3: "5_John"
In Column B I have values, last one e.g. in row 8, e.g. content = "ABC"
- Sheet "Overview" has a the number and the name listed, e.g.
A1: 1, B1: Moadll
A2: 5, B2: John
- In Sheet "Overview" I need to get the values
C1: get content "XYZ" from Sheet "1_Moadll" and cell B5
C2: get content "ABC" from Sheet "5_John" and cell B8
What I tried up to now:
a) Overview, Cells C1: =INDIRECT(A1 & "_" & B1 & "!B5")
=> gets "XYZ", however this is static
b) Sheet "1_Moadll", cell A1: =LOOKUP(2,1/(B:B<>""),ROW(B:B))
=> gets the row-number of the last entry, here e.g. 5
c) Combine a) and b)
- LOOKUP on each sheet in a certain cell
- INDIRECT to that cell on "OVERVIEW"
- LOOKUP using the content of that result
C1: =INDIRECT(A1 & "_" & B1 & "!A1") ' A1 contains the value of the last row
D1: = INDIRECT(A1 & "_" & B1 &"!B"&C1) ' pulls the right value
d) incorporate LOOKUP into INDIRECT:
"Overview", Cell E1: =INDIRECT(A1 & "_" & B1 &"!B"&LOOKUP(2,1/('1_Moadll'!B:B<>""),ROW(' & A1 & "_" & B1 & '!B:B)))
=> this also gets the right value, however requires the name of the sheet "1_Moadll" as a string in the lookup-call. Building that up inside the function does not point to the sheet anymore:
=INDIRECT(A1 & "_" & B1 &"!B"&LOOKUP(2,1/("'" & A1 & "_" & B1 &"'!" &B:B<>""),ROW(' & A1 & "_" & B1 & '!B:B)))
Any ideas on how to get that with appropriate functions.
I am capable of VBA and using that getting the values would be a piece of cake. However here I am constrained to work without VBA.
Thanks a lot already in advance!