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Need help with auto populating calendar to exclude weekends

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  1. #1
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    Need help with auto populating calendar to exclude weekends

    I have a calendar which is 1 tab per month any year standard calendar. I have additional sheets. One for data to pull from. On this sheet I have the list of training programs and their duration's and type of program to make it easier when we decide to change or add/remove programs. Another sheet is for time entry where we will be choosing the program, using vlookup to populate the duration, a free form start date, a calculated end date, start time, end time and location. The start/end time and location will be used to produce a weekly calendar later on. I have the end date setup ( Or I am trying to) make it only calculate workdays (Excluding Sat. & Sun.) But I need Sat & Sun on the calendar still. The calculation seems to be a little off. It states a start date of 1-1-19 with a 4 day training will end on 1-6-19 when I use workday(Start Date,Duration)-1 So thats one problem

    The next problem is that to populate the calendar, I am not sure how to make the dates skip weekends to fill it. I searched the forums but I cannot figure it out. (I'm horrible with date functions in excel)

    I have the auto populate data on a sheet which will be hidden. it has..

    A Column -Days =IF('Time Entry'!D3="",0,IF('Time Entry'!E3="",1,1+'Time Entry'!E3-'Time Entry'!D3))
    B Column -Cumulative =IF(A3="","-",A3+B2)
    D Column - Row =IF(ROWS($2:2)>MAX(B:B),"-",MATCH(ROWS($2:2)-1,B:B)+1)
    E Column - Displayed =IF(OR(D2="",D2="-"),"",INDEX('Time Entry'!B:B,D2)&IF(INDEX('Time Entry'!B:B,D2)="",""," "))
    F Column - Date =IF(E2="","",INDEX('Time Entry'!D:D,D2)+COUNTIF(D$2:D2,D2)-1)
    G Column - Reference =IF(F2="","-",F2&"_"&COUNTIF(F$2:F2,F2))

    I think the problem lies here but I have no clue where or how to make it adjust to skip weekends.

    Any help would be appreciated. Im new to the forums so I apologize if I an doing this wrong. I'm also on office 365
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  2. #2
    Forum Guru Bo_Ry's Avatar
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    Re: Need help with auto populating calendar to exclude weekends

    Please try
    a. =workday(Start Date,Duration-1)

    b. Hidden Data
    =AGGREGATE(15,6,ROW('Time Entry'!$C$3:$C$14)/('Time Entry'!$C$3:$C$14>=COLUMN($A$1:$Z$1)),ROWS(E$2:E2))
    =INDEX('Time Entry'!B:B,D2)&""
    =IF(E2="","",WORKDAY(INDEX('Time Entry'!D:D,D2),COUNTIF(D$2:D2,D2)-1))
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  3. #3
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    Re: Need help with auto populating calendar to exclude weekends

    Another option
    Hidden Data F2 copied down
    Formula: copy to clipboard
    =IF(E2="","",INDEX(ProgramListWhole[Start Date],MATCH(E2,ProgramListWhole[Program],0))-WORKDAY(INDEX(ProgramListWhole[Start Date],MATCH(E2,ProgramListWhole[Program],0)),0)+WORKDAY(INDEX(ProgramListWhole[Start Date],MATCH(E2,ProgramListWhole[Program],0)),COUNTIF($E$2:$E2,E2)-1))
    My 2?

    substitute commas with semi-colons if your region settings requires
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  4. #4
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    Thumbs up Re: Need help with auto populating calendar to exclude weekends

    OMG Thank You!
    You guys are life savers.. was twiddling with this for hours.
    I'm going to be working on the weekly schedule later this week. I'll be sure to check back in if I need help with that.
    Awesome work!

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