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Need help with auto populating calendar to exclude weekends

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    Need help with auto populating calendar to exclude weekends

    I have a calendar which is 1 tab per month any year standard calendar. I have additional sheets. One for data to pull from. On this sheet I have the list of training programs and their duration's and type of program to make it easier when we decide to change or add/remove programs. Another sheet is for time entry where we will be choosing the program, using vlookup to populate the duration, a free form start date, a calculated end date, start time, end time and location. The start/end time and location will be used to produce a weekly calendar later on. I have the end date setup ( Or I am trying to) make it only calculate workdays (Excluding Sat. & Sun.) But I need Sat & Sun on the calendar still. The calculation seems to be a little off. It states a start date of 1-1-19 with a 4 day training will end on 1-6-19 when I use workday(Start Date,Duration)-1 So thats one problem

    The next problem is that to populate the calendar, I am not sure how to make the dates skip weekends to fill it. I searched the forums but I cannot figure it out. (I'm horrible with date functions in excel)

    I have the auto populate data on a sheet which will be hidden. it has..

    A Column -Days =IF('Time Entry'!D3="",0,IF('Time Entry'!E3="",1,1+'Time Entry'!E3-'Time Entry'!D3))
    B Column -Cumulative =IF(A3="","-",A3+B2)
    D Column - Row =IF(ROWS($2:2)>MAX(B:B),"-",MATCH(ROWS($2:2)-1,B:B)+1)
    E Column - Displayed =IF(OR(D2="",D2="-"),"",INDEX('Time Entry'!B:B,D2)&IF(INDEX('Time Entry'!B:B,D2)="",""," "))
    F Column - Date =IF(E2="","",INDEX('Time Entry'!D:D,D2)+COUNTIF(D$2:D2,D2)-1)
    G Column - Reference =IF(F2="","-",F2&"_"&COUNTIF(F$2:F2,F2))

    I think the problem lies here but I have no clue where or how to make it adjust to skip weekends.

    Any help would be appreciated. Im new to the forums so I apologize if I an doing this wrong. I'm also on office 365
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