Quote Originally Posted by JeteMc View Post
Sounds as if you want all of your input to go into cells B3:C3 on the Holiday sheet and have to output (D3) sent to the appropriate month based on the format control value. Unfortunately, if my understanding is correct, I don't believe your goal can be accomplished using formulas. Although I am not knowledgeable of VBA I am doubtful of that also.
My suggestion is that you fill down columns B:D on the Holiday sheet and use the formulas from post #7 as modeled on attachment.
Hi JeteMC,

Thank you for this.

Do you think if I accept your solution, you can help me achieve this.

If I input dates for john smith on the holiday sheet tab, i.e. 01/04/2019 - 06/04-2019 = 5 days, can this be input onto the april tab? similarly ont he holiday sheet tab if i write john smith 01/05/2019 - 07-05/2019 = 6 days, this should be input onto the may tab? i don't want to list all the vetters ion all tabs as there are too many. hope you can help