I think the title of the post explains itselft.
I want:
[1] A 1st dropdown menu where you can choose: PIZZA, PANCAKES or CHINNESSE
[2] A 2nd dropdown menu that depends on the 1st: For example, if PIZZA is chosen, the 2nd droplist would display: MEDITERRANEAN, PEPPERONI, CALIFORNIAN or NEW YORKER
[3] A 3rd dropdown menu that also depends on the 1st but independent of the 2nd: For example, if PIZZA was chose, the 3rd droplist would display: THICK PIZZA or THIN PIZZA
P.S: [1] and [2] I know how to.
[3] is my question because a want PIZZA to be valid data for both, the second a third choice.
Take a look at excel-easy.com/examples/dependent-drop-down-lists.html
My doubt could be considered "a next step" from this.