I work in a scheduling office where we send our monthly schedules in an Excel grid over multiple tabs (each tab being a separate week). We've had a request to create a separate tab where each individual employee can enter their name and have their personal schedule populate for the month. That part has been easy enough using fairly standard MATCH, VLOOKUP, and INDEX functions to pull over a data. However, I'm also looking for a way to copy over the formatting from the original grids. The original grid is color coded based on each person's shift. Unfortunately, there are too many options to use conditional formatting rules to make that efficient and things change from month to month based on notes.

Is there a solution to make that work? I've seen a couple of posts online suggesting it can be done in VBA, although I'm less than expert there. We tend to have a lot of schedule updates throughout the month (the main schedule workbook is kept on a shared drive and is password-restricted), so this is something we want to keep dynamic that will keep with the updates.

Any assistance would be much appreciated. Thank you!