Hi all,
I am trying to create a formula that will search and bring back either a yes/no, true/false, or even 0/1 against multiple cells with multiple words searched. My situation and data I am working with is as follows.
The output cell is K2.
The two cells I wish to search are G2 and J2. J2 generally is a few sentences long and I need to search for a particular word. G2 is a 6 letter code as in "JPG-GIF", no sentences but many different codes all 6 letters with a hyphen.
My goal here is to be able to search G2 for a particular word and J2 for a particular code. If they occur in either I wish to receive a confirmation that either of the two cell contains at least one of what I am searching for.
I hope this made some sense, my brain is fried trying different if and isnumber functions.