
I have a spreadsheet which calculates profit for items bought and sold.

I want to grow it so it is more 'intelligent'. It currently has a row for Postage Cost but instead of manually entering this all the time I would like a drop down or two where I can specify weight of the item and also size and if it fits within those parameters it tells me what the cheapest possible postage option is from several ranges of postal options.

So my dilemma is I don't know where to start.

a) Should I have a Worksheet for Royal Mail, one for DPD and another for our other courier?
b) Should those Worksheets then be defined as named ranges or something else?

I suppose this is quite hard for anyone to visualise but if an item weighs less than 2kg, it normally goes with Hermes unless one side is greater than 12cm in which case it may or may go with Hermes but Royal Mail. If over 2kg, it is likely to go with DPD

I've attached the Royal Mail 'range' to show the costs and weight bands. At the moment, this is on the calculation sheet so should probably be moved to its own sheet. I've yet to create the DPD and Hermes options.

If I was to go more advanced, it would make sense to include some kind of drop down for item value and whether I want it fully insured. However, that would add a whole new level of complexity.

I imagine most of the stuff I need to look at is logical arguments but I'm just taking a stab in the dark quoting that with my limited knowledge.

I might even have it all laid out wrong. Maybe VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP would be of use?

Genius help appreciated...

