I've attached an example workbook which has three tabs. The first tab represents live data obtained from an outside database. It will always have 100 rows, but the content of these rows will update depending on the day of the week, and whether or not a day is a holiday.
The second and third tabs show how I want my workbook to accumulate new data.
The second tab has some "static" historical data in the top rows, then appends new data to the bottom rows.
The third tab shows the same data in the second tab, but I have created three hypothetical days in advance. This illustrates how the worksheet continues to add rows as the data in the first tab updates.
Since the database data has a timestamp in column A and always ends in row 101, I've tried to think of a formula for the second tab which says "if cell A101 is greater than the cell above, add the data in this row" But I can't copy that specific formula down because (I think) the next row would need to refer to the row above it, not cell A101.
I much prefer some kind of "if" or lookup formula to a macro, because with a macro (which I don't have the knowledge to write) I'd need to figure out how to use it in my "real" workbook which has many more tabs and thousands of rows. (I'm unable to show it publicly because of confidentiality agreement with my client).
Any advice? Thanks!