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Business Hours between 2 dates/times excluding weekends and holidays

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  1. #1
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    Business Hours between 2 dates/times excluding weekends and holidays

    We have a system that tracks the beginning and ending date/time of customer inquiry tickets opened. I need to be able to track how many business hours it is taking to close a ticket. Our bus hours are from 8AM to 8PM Monday through Friday, and we are closed on holidays.
    Cust Ticket opened date/time 2/8/2019 14:00
    Cust Ticket closed date/time 2/12/2019 15:28
    When i manually calculate the time, I get 25:28 [hh]:mm. Unfortunately, we receive over 300 tickets each week so manual calculation is impractical. Is there a formula that would provide the duration, in business hours, that it took for us to close the customer's ticket?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert XLent's Avatar
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    Re: Business Hours between 2 dates/times excluding weekends and holidays

    See below:

    Formula: copy to clipboard

    Adapt the above references to reflect your actual layout where:

    A2 = start date time
    B2 = end date time
    Z1:Z20 = holiday date range

    for ref. the above would generate 25:28:00 {when formatted as [hh]:mm:ss) with your sample values in A2 & B2.
    Last edited by XLent; 02-14-2019 at 05:14 AM. Reason: confirmed it would generate expected result, for OP

  3. #3
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    Re: Business Hours between 2 dates/times excluding weekends and holidays

    That could be shortened to


    without compromising functionality.

    The addtitional networdays functions in post #2 will never result in anything other than 1, so are not needed.
    The median functions would only be required if there is a need to adjust any times that are outside of normal business hours up or down to the closest start or end of day.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert XLent's Avatar
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    Re: Business Hours between 2 dates/times excluding weekends and holidays

    Yes, I perhaps should have been clearer, the suggested approach in post 2 is designed, specifically, to address possibility of either start/end datetime falling outside the working day.

    Whilst the above is not called out as a specific requirement, and admittedly unlikely for an end date, it is the more robust approach IMO.

    should add, completely plagiarised from the great @daddylonglegs
    Last edited by XLent; 02-14-2019 at 08:52 AM. Reason: reworded narrative to better clarify

  5. #5
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    Re: Business Hours between 2 dates/times excluding weekends and holidays

    This is perfect - thank you! And yes, we receive tickets 24 hrs a day and so start/end datetime is often outside of the working day. The only adjustment I made was to begin with the condition that if starttime>endtime, "" - weird but happens every now and then.

    Much appreciation for your help!!

    How do I mark this as solved and send kudos?

  6. #6
    Forum Expert XLent's Avatar
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    Re: Business Hours between 2 dates/times excluding weekends and holidays

    Glad the solutions provided work for you.

    Regards closing -- please see below (taken from FAQ):

    To mark your thread solved do the following:

    -Go to the top of the first post
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