Here is my problem, I have a focus area that has criteria. On a regular basis, each site marks which criteria they have completed by marking yes/no. Each criteria is given a level between 1-4. if they say Yes to the criteria then they score that level on the criteria, if they say No then they score one level down. Here is an example, the first criteria is meeting attendance, and it's level is 2, if they meet this criteria then they score a 2, if not they score a 1. this continues for each criteria.
I have this part figured out, but what i need help with is the overall score. this is a gatekeeper system, which means that their overall score is equal to the highest level that they have passed. So for example if they pass all the criteria except for the first one, the attendance criteria, then their overall score is a 1, because they haven't passed the 2 criteria. I need a formula that can evaluate the scores and come up with the correct overall score.