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Automate Commission Accelerator calculations based on quota attainment range.

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    Automate Commission Accelerator calculations based on quota attainment range.


    I was hoping someone would be able to help with the following scenario.

    I have a tiered accelerator component to my commission plan calculator and wanted to automate the calculations.


    Tier Rate . Range above Quota
    T1 125% 101% - 125%
    T2 150% 126% - 150%
    T3 175% 151% - 199%
    T4 200% 200%+


    If an individual gets to 205% of quota they would hit all four tiers of accelerator (See calcualtions in attachment highlighted in yellow). I would like to have this automatically calculate. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Note: Only the amount over quote within a given range is eligible for the accelerated rate in a given tier.

    For example:

    Rep's quota = $10,000
    Rep's actual performance = $14,000. (140% of quota)
    Accelerator: The rep in this case would hit T1 and T2 accelerators

    T1 = $10,000 x 1.25 (range 101 - 125%) = $12,500 less quota $10,000 = $2500 eligible for T1 rate
    T2 = $10,000 x 1.40 (range 126 - 150%) = $14,000 less T1 attainment $12,500 = $1,500 eligible for T2 rate

    T1 = $2500 x 125% = $3125
    T2 = $1500 x 150% = $2250
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