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Automate Commission Accelerator calculations based on quota attainment range.

  1. #1
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    Excel 2010

    Automate Commission Accelerator calculations based on quota attainment range.


    I was hoping someone would be able to help with the following scenario.

    I have a tiered accelerator component to my commission plan calculator and wanted to automate the calculations.


    Tier Rate . Range above Quota
    T1 125% 101% - 125%
    T2 150% 126% - 150%
    T3 175% 151% - 199%
    T4 200% 200%+


    If an individual gets to 205% of quota they would hit all four tiers of accelerator (See calcualtions in attachment highlighted in yellow). I would like to have this automatically calculate. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Note: Only the amount over quote within a given range is eligible for the accelerated rate in a given tier.

    For example:

    Rep's quota = $10,000
    Rep's actual performance = $14,000. (140% of quota)
    Accelerator: The rep in this case would hit T1 and T2 accelerators

    T1 = $10,000 x 1.25 (range 101 - 125%) = $12,500 less quota $10,000 = $2500 eligible for T1 rate
    T2 = $10,000 x 1.40 (range 126 - 150%) = $14,000 less T1 attainment $12,500 = $1,500 eligible for T2 rate

    T1 = $2500 x 125% = $3125
    T2 = $1500 x 150% = $2250
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Forum Expert XLent's Avatar
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    Re: Automate Commission Accelerator calculations based on quota attainment range.

    If you're looking to calculate the "additional" tiered commission based on YTD MRR, to append to the standard value, then the below should work:

    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    using your sample values the above would generate an additional commission of $52,570 which equates to:

    7500 @ 1.25
    7500 @ 1.5
    14,700 @ 1.75
    3,110 @ 2.00

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: Automate Commission Accelerator calculations based on quota attainment range.

    Thanks it works!

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