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Function to sum mixed text/numbers filtered by multiple criteria excluding strikethrough

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    Function to sum mixed text/numbers filtered by multiple criteria excluding strikethrough

    I need to gather data from another workbook file.
    Since this file is protected, I can only read the info.

    I have 4 columns for the criteria needed and some may be optional.

    If this is a combination udf/formula or just udf, that's fine.

    As an example: (please read the bold as strikethrough)

    file: [data.xlsm]SO

    A B C D
    1 Fence Lattice Top 4' 12 PC
    2 Gate No Lattice 3' 8pcs
    3 Fence No Lattice 5' 3 pcs
    4 Fence No Lattice 5' 7
    5 Fence Lattice Top 4' 3
    6 Fence No Lattice 4' 12
    7 Fence No Lattice 3' 1pc

    With column D being the sum totals, I would like my ouput to be:

    file: [Tally.xlsm]Panels

    A B C D
    1 Fence Lattice Top 4' 3
    2 Fence No Lattice 3' 1
    3 Fence No Lattice 4' 12
    4 Fence No Lattice 5' 10
    5 Gate No Lattice 3' 8

    I understand that it's bad design, however, I'm not a decision maker with that aspect. I can only push for changes.
    SUMIFS and SUMPRODUCT are great, but can't do this.

    I'd like to step through a range step by step, and check the other columns as I go to filter the data.

    I would love to see a function that works here.

    Thank you to anyone that spends time on this.
    Last edited by darkshaddow; 02-07-2019 at 11:37 AM. Reason: I didn't exclude the strikethrough data

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