Hi All! I joined this forum specifically because of this problem, so I'm hoping someone can help.

I'm using Microsoft Excel 2016 on Mac.

I have a multi-sheet spreadsheet with dates (Column A), Patient numbers (Column B), and Patient last name (Column C). I am in charge of pulling reports from this spreadsheet every month to count how many unique patients were seen. Most patients are seen multiple times a month. This usually requires me to sort the list and hand count them (I know I know.. so anti-Excel). I want to automate this report so I can type in a date range (ie: 8/1/18 (cell B1) and 8/31/18 (cell C1) ) and it automatically counts the unique visits in that range. Is this possible? I've done do much research and can't seem to find what I'm looking for. Ideas?

Thank you!
