I was looking for ideal function to calculate SLA. There are post regarding SLA calculation only for Mon-Fr within operational hours.
My problem is how to calculate SLA when SLA is met within 12 hours.
Operational Hours:
Mon-Fr 8:00 - 20:00
Sat 09:00 - 18:00
Also including holidays.
For example:
1. Case 1 (SLA met)
Received 22/01/2019 17:54
Completed 23/01/2019 10:22
2. Case 1 (SLA met)
Received 18/01/2019 21:33
Completed 21/01/2019 08:11
3. Case 1 (SLA not met)
Received 20/01/2019 15:57
Completed 22/01/2019 12:12
3. Case 1 (SLA not met)
Received 20/01/2019 15:57
Completed 22/01/2019 12:12
Any help would be much appreciated.