Dear readers,
Thank you for reading this,
I have cell E91 with a nested IF Function looking like this:
=IF(Hits...Numbers!T11="Ground Armor L1", "1", IF(Hits...Numbers!T11="Ground Armor L2", "2", IF(Hits...Numbers!T11="Ground Armor L3", "3", "0")))
And another cell G104 with a nested IF Function looking like this:
=IF(E91="0","0", IF(E91="1", "1", IF(E91="2", "2", IF(E91="3", "3"))))
While the first cell mentioned E91 shows correctly the value depending on the T11 cell of the sheet 'Hits...Numbers', the second cell G104, which is showing various values depending on E91 (first cell), to my surprise it shows always "3".
It does not matter if cell E91 shows 0, 1, 2 or 3, the cell G104 (the second one with nested IF function) always shows "3".
Could you be so kind to direct me to what the problem might be?