To All & Anyone:
I have learned quite a lot from this forum and looking forward to learning more. I am looking for some help to formulate text based on 3 columns of muliple criteria.
I am working with duplicated PO Numbers column A, with line item Numbers column Band Line Item Status is column C.
An individual list of PO Numbers are created in Column E by:
=IFERROR(INDEX($A$2:$A$154, MATCH(0,IF(ISBLANK($A$2:$A$154),1,COUNTIF($E$1:E1, $A$2:$A$154)), 0)),"")
I want results in column F beside the column E so I can status 3 creierias for the PO Numbers.
I am looking for a formula, Starting in (F2) that will say:
"Complete" if all rows with the same PO Number with unique Line Items are "Received" or combined with "Cancelled" line items, in Column C
"Pending" if all rows in with the same PO number & unique Line Items are "Pending" column "C"
"Pending" if any rows in with the same PO number & unique Line Items are "Received" or Cancelled" in column "C"
"Cancelled" if all rows in with the same PO number & unique Line Items are "Cancelled" column "C"
Results wanted show in column G.
Not sure if I am explaining everything.
Unfortunatelry I get my data in a non-systematic/sturcture in cvs format.