In a separate thread, a few contributors, namely FlameRetired, helped a great deal in creating a spreadsheet that functions as an Attendance Points Tracker based on certain occurrences, like coming in late, leaving early, no call/no show, etc.

The establishment I work for uses this in what I consider a largely reactionary way. Once an employee reaches a certain number of attendance points they will hit certain corrective milestones, and as such receive the corresponding corrective action.

What I'm seeking to do is try to use the historical data for each employee that essentially builds up in these spreadsheets to try and predict or forecast when an employee will hit a corrective milestone.

To me, this would be beneficial in that it would make the system usable in a proactive manner, where a supervisor could use this data to coach an employee and alert them to the behavior and give them the opportunity to address the issue before it results in corrective action. On the other hand, it is also beneficial to the supervisors, in that this same data can help them prepare for when an employee may need to be replaced, in the event said employee chooses not to correct the issue, ultimately resulting in their termination.

So, with all that in mind, I would greatly appreciate any help anyone can give me in this pet project of mine.

Also, I have already played around a bit with the FORECAST and TREND functions, which seem to be somewhat accurate in predicting the number of occurrences may happen in a given month, but the margin of error is a bit greater than I would like and it doesn't really accomplish the goal of what I stated above.