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Struggling with link between two Excel tables - It works, but it doesn't. : )

  1. #1
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    Struggling with link between two Excel tables - It works, but it doesn't. : )

    Hi all,

    I have a source table with headers starting at row 6 and records starting at row 7.

    I want to create a secondary table which references the source table, but with headers starting at row 12 and records at row 13. This is because I want to have a few statistics and rows calculated on top of the table.

    1. Normally, one can simply enter in cell B13 = Source!B7. This is illustrated in the sheet named "Link1".

    This works for most purposes, but my original table is updated using VBA code extracting data from a database. Whenever I do this, this type of reference is destroyed and the cells in Link 1 shows #REF upon refreshing.

    2. I found a solution for this by finding the name of the table and entering in A13 = SeriesTable[Date]. This lets me also upload by database/VBA without any trouble at all. Data is updated just fine.

    The trouble with this formula is that it references the exact same row in both sheets. So, while I'd want to have the first row of data from Source, Row 7 in Row 13, it gives me Row 13 from Row 13 in Source. So, I miss the first rows of data.

    Is there a clever solution for this?

    I'm attaching a simple mock-up sheet as referenced above.

    Many thanks for all help on this!

    Best regards,

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  2. #2
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    Re: Struggling with link between two Excel tables - It works, but it doesn't. : )

    but my original table is updated using VBA code extracting data from a database. Whenever I do this, this type of reference is destroyed and the cells in Link 1 shows #REF upon refreshing.
    How is your VBA entering data into the database? VBA should behave similar to manual operations. Are you pasting data over other data? Are you clearing cells? Deleting cells? Be careful to note the difference between clear and delete. When you delete rows, you will trigger #REF! errors in cells that referenced those cells. Clearing cells, however, leaves the references intact (they will return 0 [1/0/1900 in date format] values), and those references should update correctly if data is entered.

    I think one possible solution is to pay careful attention to how VBA is entering the data and make sure that it is doing so in a way that will not interfere with the existing links. You did not post your VBA code, so I cannot comment further, but the first thing that comes to my mind is to make sure you understand the difference between clear and delete and how references are affected by each operation.
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

  3. #3
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    Re: Struggling with link between two Excel tables - It works, but it doesn't. : )

    Hi, MrShorty,

    Thank you for your comment. I didn't create the VBA myself, so I can't say for sure, but I imagine it's deleting rows...

    Anyway, I managed to solve this using PowerQuery in Excel. Turned out to be quite easy in the end.

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