Im trying to make a formula with an if statement, which will put a correct value into the cell, depending on what is detected in a cell in another column:
=IF(ISNUMBER((SEARCH("RCBO",C8))),"10" & ChrW(1082),IF(ISNUMBER((SEARCH("MCB",C8))),"15" & ChrW(1082)," "))
The problem I have, is that I need to insert a russian letter after the number so:
If C8 is RCBO, use 10k
If C8 is MCB, use 15k
Otherwise leave empty.
the letter k has to be the Cyrillic letter k - it works when insert it into a cell with VBA like this:
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = ChrW(1082)
Im trying to do that with the bit: "10" & ChrW(1084) but it just ends up with #NAME?, i have also tried "10 ChrW(1084)" and "10" & "ChrW(1084)" but these just put the whole thing as a string.
Is anyone able to tell me how to solve this issue so that the russian letter appears?