Years ago, someone very kindly write an array formula that took data from a column and condensed it down, removing any zero values. Column A might have a 10-20 pieces of data in it, spread out down 150 rows. The remainder of the cells all have a zero value. The tricky thing is that column A would be dynamic, taking the data from another work sheet. The formula that was given to me was:
=INDEX(AI$170:AI$177, SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER(AI$170:AI$177)+ISERROR(AI$170:AI$177), numeric, ROW(AI$170:AI$177)-MIN(ROW(AI$170:AI$177))+1), ROW(1:1)))
This worked brilliantly, but I now need to do the same with a column of numbers and obviously the above won't work as it is for text. I have tried making some changes, but can't seem to get it to work.
If anyone is able to amend the formula above or write a new one to get it working, it would be brilliant!
Thank you.