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populate data from multiple sheets and any new sheets added onto a summary sheet

  1. #1
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    populate data from multiple sheets and any new sheets added onto a summary sheet

    Hi everyone - I am trying to populate a summary sheet with data from multiple sheets in a workbook and the summary needs to automatically populate as new sheets are added by a user other than me. I don't want to SUM the data. I want to list the data in columns to match the data found in the other sheets. My sheets have the same template so cell references will always match. My columns are named: Project ID; Project Name; Accounting #; Estimated Completion. Each of the sheets has the corresponding field in the same location on each sheet. Thanks...

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor ratcat's Avatar
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    Re: populate data from multiple sheets and any new sheets added onto a summary sheet

    G'day and welcome to the forum,

    Here is one idea. See attachment.
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  3. #3
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: populate data from multiple sheets and any new sheets added onto a summary sheet

    Building on the suggestion above:

    I reordered your sheets to get the hidden ones next to the summarysheet and created a named range "Sheets":


    I then created a list of all sheets on your dropdownlists sheet:


    copy down as far as needed. I then finally used INDIRECT to pull the relevant values across:

    =IFERROR(INDIRECT("'"&dropdownlists!$I4&"'!B5"),"") and variants thereof.

    It is saved as an xlsm, as the GET.WORKBOOK thing is an old built-in macro that is still present in Excel today, but no longer documented.

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  4. #4
    Forum Expert José Augusto's Avatar
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    Re: populate data from multiple sheets and any new sheets added onto a summary sheet


    My proposal, to avoid future problems, is to use conventional tables to store the data. The layout will be based on this data.

    1) Use the approach proposed by @ratcat to construct two tables, one with fixed project data, and one with variable data.
    For the first table you would eliminate duplicate projects.

    2) Convert your tables to fixed data (copy and paste values)

    3) Use the Layout sheet to view any project at any time (a single sheet for all projects)

    4) Use the two tables to create reports based on 'pivot tables'

    1) In my opinion, the data should be placed directly in the tables and not in layout sheets.
    2) The checkboxes should be linked to Excel cells as proposed
    3) The data grouping serves only to hide some columns and facilitate the manipulation of the tables. A read on slicer's can also help to create row filters.

    See the file

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