Dear fellow Excel Power Users:
I have spent over 9 hours today trying to solve this myself, and must conclude that I cannot do this alone. I would be greatly appreciative of anyone who can help me to resolve this issue.
I have a file (SEE ATTACHMENT example) in which I need to define which rows to discard and which to keep (which will eventually be automated with VBA).
- Each row represents a question answered in a test
- A user may have completed the test more than once
- Each "attempt" at the test is represented by the "Unique AID" number (or UAID)
My requirement / challenge is to find the appropriate UAID to keep, considering the following logic:
- Return the UAID of the highest "Overall Score" of any attempts completed in the last 12 months,
- ELSE, Return the UAID of the most recent attempt
- Mark each row as "Keep" if returned via above logic, otherwise mark as "Delete"
Thanks again for any assistance you can provide!!!!!