My spreadsheet is called “Monthly Expenses.”
The first worksheet (tab) is Expense Summary. Expense categories are listed in Column A. Columns B through M are the months. Each cell contains the total monthly expenses for each household expense category.
The second worksheet is Expense Journal. The relevant columns are, in order, Date, Category, Amount. I enter each expense in the journal every month. I then sum each amount in the appropriate category for each month and then manually enter that amount in the corresponding cell in the Expense Summary.
I’m not sure if it’s important to know this, but the dates in the Journal are written in Excel date format, but the category names are just written as text.
I would like to write a formula in each cell in the Expense Summary wherein the amounts I enter in an ongoing basis in the Expense Journal are automatically summed in the correct cell in the Summary.
I would prefer not to use a pivot table to do this.
Any help is much appreciated!