I have two worksheets in one workbook, one is a dashboard (sheet 1)and the other ones tells it where to grab the data from (sheet2). Example. In B1 of Sheet 1, it will show a number from column B2:B51 in sheet 2, but that number changes based on what date is selected from a drop down list in that same cell B1 of Sheet 1. Each time you change the date from the drop down box in B1 sheet1 it locates that date in Sheet 2 column a2:A51 and shows the number from sheet 2 column B2:b51 in the formula bar in Sheet 1, B1. There must be some special function. It seems there is a formula underneath the drop down list in B1. I am not very good at all with VBA, so I was hoping that I might get some help here. TIA!