I need to count a row of numers that are less than 4 at .25 but excludes zero.
I need to count a row of numers that are less than 4 at .25 but excludes zero.
Your profiles says you're using Excel 2003, if that's correct, you don't have COUNTIFS, so use SUMPRODUCT.
But I'm unclear on your description...
What do you mean by less than 4 at .25 ?
Also, will there be Negative numbers, you say to exclude 0, what of negatives, if any?
Excel 2016 (Windows) 64 bit
A B C D E F G H I J 1 1 2 0 3 4 5 0 6 3
Sheet: Sheet116
Excel 2016 (Windows) 64 bit
J 1 =SUMPRODUCT((A1:H1<4)*(A1:H1<>0))
Sheet: Sheet116
Actually, that worked. Thanks.
Here's another one I'm struggling with... I need to count down a column =COUNTIF(D36:D525,"*" & "FAMFTF" & "*") gives me a total count of returns but I need it to register only 1 if there are any returns or zero if there are none.
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