Im having trouble with this code, If i select multiple cells ('All Leaks'!E3:E1368) it doesn't work.
#=IF(AND('All Leaks'!E3:E1368="Meter",'All Leaks'!B871=Rates!Q337+0),1,0)#
It works when i select only a single cell ('All Leaks'!E871) but not if i have multiple cells selected
#=IF(AND('All Leaks'!E871="Meter",'All Leaks'!B871=Rates!Q337+0),1,0)#
This code's purpose is for a running total from a list, i have considered i might encounter issues relating to
more than one variable with the same output. If that was the case would i just use a sum function at
the end like this and plus one onto the original output cell?
#=IF(AND('All Leaks'!E3:E1368="Meter",'All Leaks'!B871=Rates!Q337+0),SUM(E377+1),0)#
This might be confusing but I'm really stuck, and this is my best attempt at explaining my situation,
Thank You.
or to put it very simply
#=IF(E871:E873="Meter Tap",1,0)#
when i select multiple cells on an if function it doesn't work.