I have a data point that is a date but is not in date format. I need the data point to be in day/month/year format.

I have had some luck using the following formula to parse the data but it is not getting me all the way.
=RIGHT(I2, LEN(I2)-4) &"-"& LEFT(I2,4)&""

If I use the above command I will get the following output 0201-1900 but I would like to have 01/02/1900 or even 01-02-1900

My data point looks like so 80999798 then I have to say =99999999-80999798 and I get 19000201.
If i click on the date format in excel I get ##### so I was looking for a formula that I could use to convert this to 01-02-1900

Any ideas?
