Hello All,

I am facing a hard time deriving a formula for a situation. I have two different workbooks, one for bank transactions and other one for credit card transactions. Bank workbook shows transactions in batches while credit card workbook shows individual transactions. There is no common factor to link these sheets. Bank Transaction date and Credit Card Transaction date differs, so I cannot club date and amount here. Is there any way with the help of sumif or sumproduct and v-lookup I can return the credit card transaction date in front of bank value.

For Example:

Bank Workbook:

Transaction Date - 09/12/2018
Amount - 5000

Credit Card Workbook:

Transaction Date - 09/09/2018
Amounts - 1500, 2000, 500, -500, 1000, 200, 300 (5000)

Please help!

Gaurav Dhir