I want to make the standard template for the Student schedule template that comes with Excel 2013 show the class ID, START TIME and END TIME on the first worksheet that shows the Class Schedule. The formula right now just shows the matching result in column 2 which is the class ID.

=IFERROR(INDEX(ClassList,MATCH(SUMPRODUCT((ClassList[DAY]=ClassSchedule[[#Headers],[A]])*(ROUNDDOWN($B5,10)>=ROUNDDOWN(ClassList[START TIME],10))*($B5<=ClassList[END TIME]),ClassList[UNIQUE]),ClassList[UNIQUE],0),2),0)

I tried duplicating the formula adding it to the end using the "&" "&" and changing the 2 (column reference) to a 5 and then repeating that again changing the 5 to a 6, but it doesn't seem to work right.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Steve