
I currently have a spread sheet that uses a LARGE function to find the top 5 most expensive items in my data set. These values come from when another worksheet is filled in every quarter and automatically populate, so will change over time.

In the next column, I've used a VLOOKUP to find the description of what that item.

However, if there are 2+ items that cost the same, VLOOKUP will only bring up the description of the first item on the sheet.

I've looked through threads but I haven't found anything similar to this yet, the suggestions of using array formulas with IF and SMALL etc don't seem to work because they rely on giving the rows the repeated look up value is in, and as it will change every quarter this isn't feasible.

My worksheet will ideally look something like this:
(but using the VLOOKUP, it would say "t-shirt" next to every £50 because the first £50 in the data set is a t-shirt)

Q1 | £50 | t-shirt
| £40 | skirt
Q2 | £50 | trainers
| £60 | coat
Q3 | £20 | sunglasses
| £50 | jeans
Q4 | £15 | t shirt
| £30 | heels
Top 5 | £60 | coat
| £50 | t-shirt
| £50 | trainers
| £50 | jeans
| £40 | skirt

Any ideas?
