I have names entered into a cell per the following:
John Q Smith
Bob Allen Jones
William B Howard
How do I extract in another cell the last name using a function?
I have names entered into a cell per the following:
John Q Smith
Bob Allen Jones
William B Howard
How do I extract in another cell the last name using a function?
Assuming the last name is always the last word.
Enter in B1 and copy down
=TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",REPT(" ",50)),50))
v A B 1 John Q Smith
2 Bob Allen Jones Jones 3 William B Howard Howard
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Thank you! That worked just fine.
I also found out one of the files has names listed like this:
Smith, Brian L
Jones, Evan R
Gray, David S "Buddy"
How do I extract the first name in to a separate cell using a function/formula?
(Using the "Mid" function I can get to the correct starting position but don't know how to get it to compute the right length)
Last edited by rmichra; 05-16-2018 at 09:48 PM.
I need to extract the first name
Just for fun
Done with PowerQuery:
First name from:
John Q Smith
Bob Allen Jones
William B Howard
Smith, Brian L
Jones, Evan R
Gray, David S "Buddy"
done with PowerQuery
Can this be done using a combination of functions?
Probably yes but I prefer make life easier not harder
maybe someone else will give you formula solution
have a nice day![]()
if there will ALWAYS be a comma for that format and NOT in the other format, then try this...
=IFERROR(LEFT(B14,SEARCH(",",B14)-1),TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(B14," ",REPT(" ",50)),50)))
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The name will always have a comma.
I used the formula and it extracted the last name. I need the name following the comma.
Hi Ford,
What about list from post#6?![]()
If there is always a comma when the last name appears 1st - and NO comma when the last name is last, that will handle them both
B C 14Smith, Brian L Smith 15Jones, Evan R Jones 16Gray, David S "Buddy" Gray 17John Q Smith Smith 18Bob Allen Jones Jones 19William B Howard Howard
I was thinking about result like this:
First name
D E 1RAW Extracted 2John Q Smith John 3Bob Allen Jones Bob 4William B Howard William 5Smith, Brian L Brian 6Jones, Evan R Evan 7Gray, David S "Buddy" David
I'm curious. I need to write monster formula to extract middle part (first name) from text with comma than extract first part from text without comma all with IF or you know something shorter![]()
Last edited by sandy666; 05-16-2018 at 10:55 PM.
OK, I missed that you wanted the 1st name, if there is a comma, I will work something out
Thank you!
Here are 2 examples how the names can be listed:
Smith, Billy R
Smith, Billy A "Ben"
I need to extract the first name.
Try this...
=IF(ISERROR(FIND(",",B14)),TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(B14," ",REPT(" ",50)),50)),LEFT(MID(B14,LEN(LEFT(B14,SEARCH(" ",B14,1)-1))+2,99),FIND(" ",MID(B14,LEN(LEFT(B14,SEARCH(" ",B14,1)-1))+2,99))-1))
B C 14Smith, Brian L Brian 15Jones, Evan R Evan 16Gray, David S "Buddy" David 17John Q Smith Smith 18Bob Allen Jones Jones 19William B Howard Howard
Thank You.
or maybe this one:
A B C 1RAW Result Formula 2John Q Smith John =IFERROR(MID(A2,SEARCH(",",A2)+2,SEARCH(" ",MID(A2,SEARCH(",",A2)+2,99))-1),LEFT(A2,SEARCH(" ",A2)-1)) 3Bob Allen Jones Bob 4William B Howard William 5Smith, Brian L Brian 6Jones, Evan R Evan 7Gray, David S "Buddy" David
Try this one
=TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(IF(ISERR(FIND(",",A2))," "&A2,A2)," ",REPT(" ",50)),50,50))
v A B 1 Name 2 John Q Smith John 3 Bob Allen Jones Bob 4 William B Howard William 5 Smith, Brian L Brian 6 Jones, Evan R Evan 7 Gray, David S "Buddy" David 8 Smith, Billy R Billy 9 Smith, Billy A "Ben" Billy
Last edited by AlKey; 05-17-2018 at 05:03 PM.
That works perfect. Thank you. :-)
Hello again,
I was using your formula and it was working great. However, I got an erroneous result when I encountered a name like:
Smith Jr., Billy A "Ben"
The formula returns the value "Jr.".
I tried messing with the formula to get it to work but no avail.
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
=trim(mid(substitute(if(iserr(find(",",a2))," "&a2,a2)," ",rept(" ",50)),50,50))
If there's Always a Space after the comma use B2 formula, otherwise use C2 formula:
Excel 2016 (Windows) 64 bit
A B C 1Name 2John Q Smith John John 3Bob Allen Jones Bob Bob 4William B Howard William William 5Smith, Brian L Brian Brian 6Jones, Evan R Evan Evan 7Gray, David S "Buddy" David David 8Smith, Billy R Billy Billy 9Smith, Billy A "Ben" Billy Billy 10Smith Jr., Billy A "Ben" Billy Billy 11Smith Jr.,Billy A "Ben" illy Billy
Sheet: Sheet44
Excel 2016 (Windows) 64 bit
B C 2=TRIM(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(MID(A2,IFERROR(FIND(",",A2)+2,1),255)," ",REPT(" ",100)),100)) =TRIM(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(MID(A2,IFERROR(FIND(",",A2)+1,1),255))," ",REPT(" ",100)),100))
Sheet: Sheet44
Have you tried the formulas in my Post #22?
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