I want column J to look at two data sources (column F and column H) and determine if they agree. If they do I want it to say "Match" and if they don't, say "No."
In those columns the following items agree:
column F="Passed", column H= "Yes"
column F="Failed", column H="No"
column F="Missing", column H=#N/A.
Anything else and they do not agree.
I used this formula: =IF((AND(F3="Passed",H3="yes")),"Match","No"). But it only looks at one item.
I tried =IFERROR(IFS(AND(F3="Passed",H3="yes"),"Match",AND(F3="Failed",H3="No"),"Match",AND(F3="Missing",H3="#N/A"),"Match"),"No") but it just says "No" on all cells.
Someone gave me this one to try =arrayformula(if(len(J3:J),if(iferror((J3:J="Passed")*(L3:L="Yes"))+iferror((J3:J="Failed")*(L3:L="No"))+((J3:J="Missing")*(iferror(L3:L="#N/A")+(isna(L3:L)))),"Match","No"),)) but it has too few arguments.
Here is a screen shot:
Can anyone help please?