Hello, I've created the following formula to draw vlookup data from three different tables on the 'New Held Batches Sheet' sheet.
It checks the first table for a match and if there is an error it moves onto the next table, etc.
Unrelatedly, it also creates a blank if the data is not on any table.
Is there a way to flag the results based on which table the resulting data came from?
e.g. the data came from the second table so it is blue, or the data came from the first table so it is red.
=IFERROR(IFERROR(VLOOKUP(C2,'New Held Batches Sheet'!$C$5:$D$5,2,0),IFERROR(VLOOKUP(C2,'New Held Batches Sheet'!$C$8:$D$22,2,0),VLOOKUP(C2,'New Held Batches Sheet'!$C$25:$D$35,2,0))),"")
Thanks for all the guidance through the years.