Hi all
As an exercise I am trying something out so as to learn more about Excel.
I have found out that using =LEFT(C1,5), in cell C1 will select the first five letters of the word in that cell.
In the attached Potholes file, under the header "Truncated Words" I have keyed in manually...
Speed Radar KA band
From the opposite cell " Speed Radar (10525 MHz X band; 24150 MHz Ka band) "
Is there a way say to use " Concatenate " along with something like " =LEFT(C9,4) " to selectively selected parts of words
Each line has many different words of different sizes.
Truncated Words Initial Words
Speed Radar KA band Speed Radar (10525 MHz X band; 24150 MHz Ka band)
Recon Robot (430-450MHz) Recon Robotics surveillance robot video (430-450 MHz)
Codar Ocean Radar (12-14MHz) CODAR oceanographic RADAR (swooping signals on HF with approx. 1 second sweep time) 12 - 14 MHz
=LEFT(C9,4) LTI Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) system - LT6 Radio Modem
=LEFT(C11,4) Motorola Widepulse ASTRO simulcast voice
=LEFT(C13,4) Public Safety LTE (all four emissions used) 10 MHz bandwidth
Thanks in advance if anyone has a formulae