Here is my scenario: I have a list of competitors with their dogs and the points they've earned in competitions. I would like to be able to add up all the points earned by each handler/dog combination and display it in a list of descending order in another sheet.

I am currently using this formula =IF(F2=F1,"",SUMIF(F:F,F2,G:G)), which seemed to work once the list was sorted into order by the name of the dog. But, I just discovered that it's adding points together for all the dogs with the same name, regardless of the handler. So, I need to make a formula to tally the points for the dogs in column F and compare the handler name in Column E and put the correct total with the correct handler/dog combination.
Essentially, I need a total of all points in column G, where Column E and Column F are the same combination.

The SUMIFS formula seemed to be the answer and I've tried using it, but I apparently can't get the syntax right because I keep getting a 0 result.

Column E - Column F - Column G

Jim Smith - Slink - 20
Dave Jones - Mouse -120
Jim Smith - Slik - 220
Kate North - Blue - 320
Ed Walker - Dave - 420
Jim Davis - Dave - 60
Sam Smith - Liz - 160
Sam Smith - Pete - 360
Char Edward - Tuff - 460
Joe Nellis - Bullet - 560
Brett Gaines - Sassy - 660
Tom Williams- Duncan- 60