
I am creating a workbook to track attendance. The goal is to get an unduplicated count of "total number of individuals attended in one month" and also "total number of times service type used"

The workbook is set up like this: sheet 1 is "month ending" ; followed by 31 sheets for each day of the month (labeled 1st, 2nd, 3rd...30th & 31st) ; there is a final sheet that has a roster of enrolled persons. The roster is used to create a drop down list under the column "name"

I can get an unduplicated count for each sheet, but I do not know how to get an unduplicated count total for all sheets. Using the sumproduct and countif functions how can get an unduplicated total of individuals served for the entire month?

I made an attempt and got stuck...so I am here today. Thank you in advance.

This is the function I tried [=SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF("'1st'!A5:A154!";"'2nd'!A5:A154";"'3rd'!A5:A154";"'4th'!A5:A154";"'5th'!A5:A154";"'6th'!A5:A154";"'7th'!A5:A154";"'8th'!A5:A154";
"'25th'!A5:A154";"'26th'!A5:A154";"'27th'!A5:A154";"'28th'!A5:A154";"'29th'!A5:A154";"'30th'!A5:A154";"'31st'!A5:A154" & A5:A154))]