Thanks so much guys for such quick help! I love a puzzle just as much as the next guy, but at some point the banging of head against the keyboard stops being fun.
Fdibbins - your solution was almost there, but wasn't working on the sequences with more than 2 prefix before the PH-
FlameRetired - BEST SOLUTION - I tried this formula on my data sequence and it found the results almost every time, even when there were asterisk in front of the PH-, the only time it didn't work was if they didn't have any prefix included in front of the PH- and that was hardly any. So thank you soo much sir!!
nflsales - THANKS for your suggestions as well. Your's worked 8-10 times, but I still would have to do a bit of cleanup, and it did pick up those couple that Dave's missed. A good second option to have available.
I'll save these to my OneNote excel cheat sheet as I'm sure I'll be needing them again. Thanks again EVERYONE. Really appreciate the help!!![]()