Hi everyone, i have stumbled upon a problem while working in my spreadsheet.
I am what i would call an experienced novice in excel mostly using IF/OR/AND functions while i work. But this time my IF nesting has come to an end since Excel will only accept 64 nested IF statements.
I will try to describe what i want to achieve as simple as possible.
I have a table that looks something like this:
and continues with up to 100 partnames and their codes
What i want to achieve is in a new table (ex. a shopping list) when i write the part name in one of the columns in the new table that excel displays the corresponding partcode in the next column just like a multiple IFs command would do: Ex shown under:
Partname i want to buy:--------Partcode for the item i want to buy:
AA123---------------------------(Fetched from the database table)
AB123---------------------------(Fetched from the database table)
AF123---------------------------(Fetched from the database table)[/FORMULA]
Excel limits me my use of a massive IF string, is this possible to do easily?
Any help is appreciated![]()