Hey guys,

I need some help with a formula to calculate dates within Excel. I'm running Excel 2016 currently. I'm trying to come up with something to return a "Next Billing Date" based on a customer's subscription date versus today's date.

For example:

A customer subscribes on January 1, 2018. They are billed on a reoccurring schedule on the same DATE every month (February 1st, March 1st, April 1st, etc.). Assuming today's date is June 6th, 2018; how do I tell Excel to display the next recurring billing date (in this case, the output should be July 1st, 2018)?

I know Excel has pretty advanced date functions, and I know it's possible to generate a list of recurring dates, but I only want the spreadsheet to display the most recent relevant value.

Has anybody encountered this before, or have any advice on what functions to research in order to accomplish this?