I have a golf related spreadsheet - attached.
I am trying to find a formula that will do the following: (have tried Match, Index, Etc)
1. Column H - Match the row cell numbers in column H (H8-H31) this column has the High / Low Pairings for two-man teams within a foursome
2. Column E - To the corresponding matching number in column E (E8-E31) this is the ranking based on actual score position
3. Column I - Display the golfer's name from column D (D8-D31) into the cells in column I (I8-I31) that match the pairing number from column H
The Actual Golf Score (in column C) is converted to a Ranked Position displayed in column E. I am trying to automatically get the corresponding golfers name (from column D) to display in column I based on the ranked position number displayed in column H.