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Help with Mid-Function and variable lengths.

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  1. #1
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    Help with Mid-Function and variable lengths.

    Hi All,

    Looking to see if it is possible to use a mid/find function to find the string starting point and then pull the next characters up to a space, or multiple spaces. Essentially I'm trying to parse data pulled from an email, however the email is not always structured the same, yet I do have labels that will always appear before the words I want to pull (ex. Name: ....., Email: .... ). I copied below the formula I have been using when I have 2 known variables, however if I can figure out how to search variable 1, and then pull a word up to a space next to it that would fantastic.


    Thank you so much,

  2. #2
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Help with Mid-Function and variable lengths.

    Hi, welcome to the forum

    To best describe or illustrate your problem you would be better off attaching a dummy workbook. The workbook should contain the same structure and some dummy data of the same type as the type you have in your real workbook - so, if a cell contains numbers & letters in this format abc-123 then that should be reflected in the dummy workbook.

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  3. #3
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    Re: Help with Mid-Function and variable lengths.

    This is a start


    It returns the position of the first occurrence of one of your search strings

    This finds the position of the first space after that point

    =FIND(" ",A1,MIN(IF(ISERROR(FIND("Name",A1)),999,FIND("Name",A1)),IF(ISERROR(FIND("Surname",A1)),999,FIND("Surname",A1)),IF(ISERROR(FIND("Email",A1)),999,FIND("Email",A1))))

    Put those togeather

    =MID(A1,MIN(IF(ISERROR(FIND("Name",A1)),999,FIND("Name",A1)),IF(ISERROR(FIND("Surname",A1)),999,FIND("Surname",A1)),IF(ISERROR(FIND("Email",A1)),999,FIND("Email",A1))),FIND(" ",A1,MIN(IF(ISERROR(FIND("Name",A1)),999,FIND("Name",A1)),IF(ISERROR(FIND("Surname",A1)),999,FIND("Surname",A1)),IF(ISERROR(FIND("Email",A1)),999,FIND("Email",A1))))-MIN(IF(ISERROR(FIND("Name",A1)),999,FIND("Name",A1)),IF(ISERROR(FIND("Surname",A1)),999,FIND("Surname",A1)),IF(ISERROR(FIND("Email",A1)),999,FIND("Email",A1))))

    Returns your text proceeded by your search string

    So you now need to get rid of your search string

    =SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(MID(A1,MIN(IF(ISERROR(FIND("Name",A1)),999,FIND("Name",A1)),IF(ISERROR(FIND("Surname",A1)),999,FIND("Surname",A1)),IF(ISERROR(FIND("Email",A1)),999,FIND("Email",A1))),FIND(" ",A1,MIN(IF(ISERROR(FIND("Name",A1)),999,FIND("Name",A1)),IF(ISERROR(FIND("Surname",A1)),999,FIND("Surname",A1)),IF(ISERROR(FIND("Email",A1)),999,FIND("Email",A1))))-MIN(IF(ISERROR(FIND("Name",A1)),999,FIND("Name",A1)),IF(ISERROR(FIND("Surname",A1)),999,FIND("Surname",A1)),IF(ISERROR(FIND("Email",A1)),999,FIND("Email",A1)))),"Name",""),"Surname",""),"Email","")

    Messy ha?

    I would use a userdefined function instead.
    Last edited by mehmetcik; 05-31-2018 at 04:06 PM.
    My General Rules if you want my help. Not aimed at any person in particular:

    1. Please Make Requests not demands, none of us get paid here.

    2. Check back on your post regularly. I will not return to a post after 4 days.
    If it is not important to you then it definitely is not important to me.

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