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Dynamic dependent Validation List based in multiple tables and formulas

  1. #1
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    Question Dynamic dependent Validation List based in multiple tables and formulas


    I've tried a few ways to make this work (using dependent drop-downs), but I haven't come even near to a solution, and would be grateful for any insight. The ideal solution should be based in formulas, to avoid using macro-enabled files altogether.

    You'll find a sample file attached with two structured tables, PROPOSALS and DOCS.

    1st Table, in the first Sheet, "PROPOSALS" have a unique index column (first one, "PROPOSAL_ID") that may not be sorted at all times and have two related fields "CUSTOMER_ID" and "AGREED":

    (unique text string, first column)
    1 C YES
    2 B YES
    3 A YES
    4 A YES
    5 B NO
    6 A YES
    7 A NO
    8 C NO
    9 C YES
    10 B YES
    11 A NO

    2nd Table, in the second Sheet, "DOCS" also has a unique index column ("ID_DOC" - not the first as I can't move it, but I could add a new first column with a referenced copy, if necessary), a related field with the "CUSTOMER_ID" (relates to the first table) and a second related field ("RELATED PROPOSAL") that should populate with a validation list that lists "PROPOSAL_ID"'s of the "CUSTOMER_ID" on the left and that are marked with "AGREED" in the "PROPOSALS" table.

    (unique, not first column)
    (dependent dropdown Validation List with the entries below)
    (date) 222XYZ A (3, 4 and 6)
    (date) 333XYZ B (2 and 10)
    (date) 444XYZ D ("No Proposals")
    (date) 555XYZ A (3, 4 and 6)
    (date) 888XYZ C (1 and 9)

    Thank you in advance for any input
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    Last edited by se7en___; 05-30-2018 at 04:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: Dynamic dependent Validation List based in multiple tables and formulas


    The "derivation" of this formula is shown on the Proposals sheet. =SUBSTITUTE(CONCAT(IF(PROPOSALS[CUSTOMER_ID]=G3,PROPOSALS[PROPOSAL_ID]&",",FALSE)),FALSE,"")

    The formula looks at the customer ID and considers only those rows where the ID is equal to cell G3. I "add" a comma to to the row so I have some sort of a delimiter. The results come out as a mix of FALSE and matching IDs. So I use the substitute command to eliminate FALSE.

    The result has a trailing comma, so the LEFT(X,Len(X)-1) takes care of that.

    Finally, if there are no matches the formula yields #VALUE! Wrapping it in IFERROR takes care of that.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Dynamic dependent Validation List based in multiple tables and formulas


    Thank you very much for having a look at this - but either I'm not seeing it right, or it's not quite what I was looking for. I mean, the idea is to have a dropdown selection, based on a dynamic validation list. The examples I've put in are just placeholders, representing the actual options the list would display in each cell...


  4. #4
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: Dynamic dependent Validation List based in multiple tables and formulas

    OK, here's a version that uses "joined" pivot tables.
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  5. #5
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    Re: Dynamic dependent Validation List based in multiple tables and formulas

    Again, thank you for for looking into it, but the problem I'm looking to solve is quite specific, and I see no way to apply these alternate solutions.

    The sample file is a mere simplification of a large dataset, where each cell I'm looking for a shortened validation list is currently populated with a validation list that spans the hundreds of results (i.e. right now it's easier just to copy/paste a value, but that takes quite some time). Both tables also have a large number of rows each. That is why I thought of trying to find a way of reducing the validation list dropdown size, to ease the process. But because I don't quite get how validation lists formulas handle arrays, I'm basically stuck with no solution.


    PS: One additional note, just for reference and unrelated to the original issue; consolidated data sources from multiple tables used in a single pivot table are currently unsupported in Outlook for Mac, and that's a big reason for me not using them right now.

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